速報APP / 醫療 / One Stop Public Health Resource (OS-PH)

One Stop Public Health Resource (OS-PH)





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本


One Stop Public Health Resource (OS-PH)(圖1)-速報App

Public health is an area of medicine that has become increasingly important in our current situation due to globalization and rapidly growing information technology.

One Stop Public Health Resource (OS-PH)(圖2)-速報App

Among the major branches of public health are epidemiology of communicable and non-communicable diseases, occupational health, environmental health, and family health. Globally, public health challenges are among the key challenges in our societies.

The ‘One Stop Public Health Resource, OS-PH’ will provide current news in public health, public health research and links to relevant public health websites according to the branches of public health, mainly official Malaysian governmental websites and World Health Organization.

This app can empower users with valuable and current knowledge in public health which subsequently will benefit the health of a population.